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Landscape Architecture and Site Planning
RGR provides landscape design services from project initiation through bidding and construction administration. For many projects, RGR also provides early and ongoing site planning input to the architectural design team, assisting in the analysis and evaluation of existing site conditions and advising the team on building location and orientation. Although they are complementary, site planning and landscape design have distinct roles in site development and are central to the site plan review and approval process of many municipalities. Specifically, our work typically includes (1) all pedestrian paving – walkways, steps, and patios; 2) all planted areas; 3) landscape and pedestrian lighting layout and fixture selection; 4) irrigation performance specifications; 5) site furnishings such as benches, planters, tables, and chairs; and 6) miscellaneous site structures such as seat or planter walls, pergolas, arbors, and gazebos as well as site perimeter security fencing. The RGR team is skilled in the preparation of design documents that lead to accurate bids and a smooth construction process.

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Recreation Planning and Design
Since its inception in 1985, the firm has provided planning and design services for a wide range of outdoor recreation facilities, both public and private. RGR’s project experience includes programming, planning, and design for parks, playgrounds, swimming pools, water play facilities, athletic fields, bike and pedestrian trails, and outdoor learning environments. For these projects, the RGR team develops a program of appropriate activities, spaces, and facilities that will provide a range of outdoor recreation choices and experiential opportunities. The design team then creates a conceptual plan that meets the spatial and equipment needs of each activity, accommodates circulation requirements from one activity to another, and adheres rigorously to current spacing requirements and safety standards. The overall goal is to develop outdoor recreation environments, both active and passive, that are safe and comfortable, while offering varied opportunities for play, relaxation, exploration, and learning.

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Resilience and Ecological Design
For every project, RGR employs a nature-based design approach to preserve existing natural features and integrate new structures and facilities with the existing natural context of the site. Our projects typically involve a careful site analysis and understanding of the existing ecology as a prerequisite for the site planning and landscape design effort. Aside from the aesthetic benefits of a gracefully blended landscape plan, RGR’s nature-based design approach enables the new landscape to more easily and quickly adapt to the existing ecological environment, which optimizes the long term resilience and sustainability of the project. The firm has employed this nature-based approach consistently and successfully for most of our work, including stream restorations, created wetlands, and waterfront stabilization projects. In addition to his LEED AP ND accreditation, Geoffrey Roesch has earned certification as a WEDG (Waterfront Edge Design Guidelines) Associate by the Waterfront Alliance.

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RGR also provides complete architectural design services from programming, site analysis, and conceptual design through schematic design, design development, construction documentation, bidding, and construction administration. The firm’s architectural work has often accompanied park and recreation projects and includes recreation related structures such as education and interpretive centers, pool houses, picnic shelter, performance stage, and overlook structure as well as pedestrian boardwalks and bridges. However, RGR’s completed architectural projects also include a new synagogue in New York City, an art and antique gallery, zoo exhibit buildings, and several single family homes.
See our Architecture projects