Inspired by Hogeweyk, a dementia village in Amsterdam, Holland, the Avandell project in Holmdel, NJ, was designed to be a center of excellence in dementia research as well as to provide a supportive living environment for the care of those with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. The landscape approach embraced the key principles of biophilic design and the belief that humans have an innate connection to nature. To that end, the landscape plan was designed to maximize opportunities for the residents to experience and engage with nature. As an aid in wayfinding, the landscape design establishes clearly defined boundaries with perceptible points of entry, a sense of enclosure, and open sight lines from one space to another. Each of the three residential neighborhoods includes plant materials and furnishings based on a unique thematic concept - “Birds and Butterflies,” “Wind and Sound,” and “Rock and Water.” The plan also incorporates memorable landmarks such as a bird house or windmill for orientation as well as a simple grid for the central walkway system that is easy to see and to navigate.